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Happy 30th Anniversary to Downtown Music Gallery!

DMG Newsletter for April 30, 2021: Happy 30th Anniversary to Downtown Music Gallery!

This Saturday, May 1st is the actual anniversary of Downtown Music Gallery, 30 years to the day! I am immensely proud of all we’ve accomplished since we opened out doors on 211 East 5th St. in the East Village. Special thanks to all of the well-wishers who’ve written to us or come down in the past month, we do appreciate your kind words of support! We, here at DMG, are going to celebrate for the entire month with some live outdoor events, some in-store on-line events and a series of on-line episodes of donated videos from many of our musician friends, as well as several compilations of one minute excerpts from performances recorded at the store throughout our long history. The on-line events will be put up on our YouTube channel as soon as we can, the first one is already there: Sam Newsome & Francisco Mora Catlett, recorded just 2 weeks ago at DMG on 4/17/21.

Our next live gig will take place this Saturday at Oliver Coffee, just 2 blocks from the store at 2pm with three groups: Joanna Mattrey/Daniel Carter/Frank Meadows/Todd Capp, Charmaine Lee solo and the Aaron Rubenstein Quartet. There is great coffee, tea & pastries for sale so come on down!  

In two weeks on Saturday, May 15th, we will have an in-store which will be recorded for our YouTube channel only so we can’t have an audience, sorry! It will feature: Chris Pitsiokos, Sandy Ewen & Nate Wooley playing solos in the first set and together in the second set. We are working on other events so please stay tuned. - Bruce Lee Gallanter at DMG


We’ve sold over 100 so far and more S, M & Larges are on the way! If you want, please take a picture of yourself wearing our t-shirt and send it to us via this email so we can put these up on the new DMG blog-site. I know that most of us have gained some weight during the long lockdown (I know I did), but it doesn’t really matter as long as we see your smiling face & the t-shirt itself!

thanks, Bruce at DMG